Se desarrolla una versión de la SAFT-VR (statistical associating fluid theory for chain molecules with attractive potentials of variable range) para sistemas de segmentos monoméricos fraccionarios (SAFT-VRm).Citas
Gil-Villegas, A., Galindo, A., Whitehead, J. P., Mills J. S., & Jackson G. (1997). Statistical associating fluid theory for chain molecules with attractive potentials of variable range, J. Chem. Phys. 106(10), 2057-2054.
McCabe, C., & Jackson,G. (1999). SAFT-VR modeling of the phase equilibrium of long-chain n-alkanes. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 1, 2057-2064.
McCabe, C., & Sergei, K., (2003). A crossover SAFT-VR equation of state for pure fluids: preliminary results for light hydrocarbons. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 219 (2004) 3–9.
McCabe, C., Gil-Villegas, A., Jackson, G., Del Rio, F., (1999). The thermodynamics of heteronuclear molecules formed from bonded square-well (BSW) segments using the SAFT-VR approach. Molecular Physics, 97(4), 551-558.
McCabe, C., Galindo, A., García-Lisbona, M., & Jackson, G., (2001). Examining the Adsorption (Vapor-Liquid Equilibria) of Short-Chain hydrocarbons in Low-Density Polyethylene with the SAFT-VR Approach. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.40, 3835-3842.
McCabe, C., & Sergei, K., (2004). Application of Crossover Theory to the SAFT-VR Equation of State: SAFT-VRX for Pure Fluids. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 43, 2839-2851.
Perdomo, F. A., & Gil-Villegas, A., (2011). Predicting thermophysical properties of biodiesel fuel blends using the SAFT-VR approach. Phase Equilibria 306 (2011) 124–12.
Perdomo, F. A., & Gil-Villegas, A., (2010). Molecular thermodynamics of biodiesel fuel compounds. Fluid Phase Equilibria 293 (2010) 182–189.
Martinez, A., Castro, M., McCace, C, & Gil-Villegas, A. (2007). Predicting adsorption isotherms using a two-dimensional statistical associating fluid theory. J. Chem. Phys. 126, 074707.
Castro, M., Martinez, R., Martinez, A., Rosu H. C. (2010). Adsorption of molecular gases on porous materials in the SAFT-VR approximation. Physics A 389, 3140-314.
Panagiotopoulos, A. Z., (1992). Molecular simulation of phase equilibria: simple, ionic and polymeric fluids. Fluid Phase Equilibria 76 97-112.

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